
Zindagi Se Zindagi Ki Aur

About The Event

About The Event

Through Blood-D, we have saved countless lives indirectly and have inspired thousands of students and members of the community to donate blood and experience the satisfaction of saving lives and improving the health of others. It only takes one generous donation to help save someone's life so donate blood to keep the world pulsating.


Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Bibwewadi,Pune


Tuesday and Wednesday
2nd & 3rd March, 2023

Why Do You Donate Blood?

Some replies by the proud blood donors

It is that reward down in my heart

It is the best feeling a person can ever have

The happiness from this is what I don't ever want to miss


The total donar count for year 2023 activity is 602

A collection of frequently asked questions

  • 1.Any person with good health and who is currently not suffering from any disease.
    2.Age of the donor should be above 18 yearsa and is taking no medications,drinking,and smoking before 24 hours of blood donation.
    3.Weight should be above 45kg for girls and 50kg for boys.
    4.The haemoglobin level should be minimum 12.5.
    5.Anyone can donate blood after 3 months of previous donation.
    6.Girls cannot donate blood during menstruation.

  • 1.Get plenty of sleep the night before blood donation.
    2.Eat a healthy meal.
    3.Avoid eating fatty food.
    4.Drink an extra 2 glasses of water and other fluids before the donation.

  • 1.Relax:Make yourself comfortable.
    2.Stay calm:Take a deep breath.
    3.Be strong:There will be a little pain or no pain during needling.
    4.Take rest:After donating the pint of blood take a good rest for atleast 10 mins.

  • 1.Maximise your iron intake by eating foods like eggs,green beans,green leafy vegetables like spinach & jaggery.
    2.Nuts like black raisins,dates,almond and anjeer are other fantastic options in terms of foods to increase haemoglobin fast.

Blood-D March 2023

Highest number of donors at two-day blood donation campaign in Pune.
VIT ranks highest among all Pune colleges.


Number of donors

(VITians and non-VITians)


Day-1 count


Day-2 count


Blood-D Camp 2019 News published by 'Sakal' Newspaper on 26/11/2019



Investment Culture


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SouthX Idli

Noteworthy Comments

"It being my first time donating blood it felt special. Although I was one among the hundreds of people who donated blood, forme it was an experience of rising above my fear and playing my part . It made me feel strong and satisfied. I suggest every person should donate blood , you really feel genuine happiness."

- Anuprita Kaple (Blood Donor)

"The satisfaction to work for society itself is the catalyst forworking for the event. Working with army personnel and doctors was itself a great experience. Who knows betterthe importance of Blood than a O- person."

- Archit Hadge (Blood-D volunteer)

"No feeling can be greater than being able to help someone or maybe give them life ! Blood D gives you that feeling .It was my first time , I was a bit nervous but it came out to be an amazing experience at the end ! I remember dragging myfriends fordonating blood because whynot ? This small thing can make a huge difference so why not give back the world in even the smallest possible ways."

- Sakshi Oswal (Blood Donor)